Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dr Russell Blaylock Nutrition and Behavior Aspartame MSG

Another good lecture concerning nutrition. Dr. Blaylock is a neurosurgeon, retired and now providing lectures and commentary much of which is available on the net, especially on Youtube. Given the costs of medical and health services, it only makes sense to manage your own health through what you put in your mouth. As one friend suggested: If you did not grow it, you better had not eat it. Most of us including myself, most physicians and the educated are completely unaware of soil science and animal health. Driven by big farma, Monsanto and corporate advertising, we have accumulated health issues not seen in our grandparents. So, this video will help you invest in yourself. Pass it on to those you care about !

Dr Russell Blaylock Nutrition and Behavior Aspartame MSG
Another Video by Dr. Blaylock: Excitoxins - Check it out !!

There is a lot of information on this blog selected to inform and prepare those I care about but to be useful, you will have to take time and study these messages and thoughts. No longer can we just sit by with a passive attitude. The issues presented by those featured here should be made available from the pulpit of every church in America, but most pastors are just playing into the hands of their controllers and leading their flocks down the wrong damn road, directly into captivity. Preach the Gospel, the truth, the good but also the bad - that which is coming, exposing the enemy. If you know of any pastors or members of the religious crowd, pass this blog along and maybe wake some of them up. It is well known now that the Department of Homeland Security has been aggressively enlisting pastors and encouraging them to emphasize Romans - 13 - being obedient to your government, in other words, encourage the flocks not to think and to maintain a state of denial. Lots to think about the prepare for !!

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