Saturday, January 27, 2007

An American Family

Here is an example of what may be the typical American middle class family. These also happen to be the children of my oldest daughter Rita. The German Shepherd on the right is JoJo who I used to sleep with before coming to Peru. This fellow is Lester who also occasionally slept with me and was my outside dog in charge of the farm. He did have some help with another good friend who was with me for about 14 years. Her name was LuLu, an American Pitbull Staffordshire Terrier. Lu had 12 pups one time, poor thing !

These children are three out of 14 grandchildren and in many respects, just like yours, I would imagine. They are posted here to remind us that they and yours represent our future and our present obligations. We have a fiduciary responsibility placed upon us by God who expects us to pass on to them the wisdom of our past generations teaching them orally and by example those values and traditions which in years past formed the underpinning of our Nation.

The dogs, each of noble character, serve as good examples of love, integrity, character, purpose, nobility, loyalty and dedication. Generally, they come into the world with these values, normally, they do not have to be taught, they were programmed by God to do their individual jobs and they do it well, not asking but little in return. We have so to learn from them, don,t you think ? Strangely though, the modern parents have turned over the education of their children to the secular State.

This explains, in part, why our country has declined to such an extent in the past 50 years or so. It used to be that education of children was the domain of the family and church, when fathers were the judicious head of the family and supervised the instruction of his children with the help of mother. The bible was read by the fireside, especially the Wisdom Books and then the lessons applied through manual labor and structured social activities. The basic documents of government, economics, science and mathematics were all lectured at home as well as in local fellowships. The secular state was excluded to the extent possible.

It is refreshing to see the advance of the home schooling movement here in the US as more and more parents realize just how corrupted our public system of education rally is and how the youngsters are being dumbed down and fed a constant supply of government propaganda preparing them for slavery. Hopefully the trend will continue as fathers, in partnership with their wives, take more responsibility as just stewards of the fruit of their loins and love making.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Who Are Your Heros

I was thinking the other day about the people who have crossed my path from whom I have learned much and so appreciate, maybe you could call them hero's. Douglas MacArthur certainly was one, a soldire,s soldier. Having served in the US Army years ago and having seen the post war destruction of Europe and the devastation of the Pacific, MacArthur stands shoulders above our present day Commanders. He was relieved of his command by President Truman which ended distinguished career second only to George Washington. The following post should be of interest to you:

American Minute with Bill Federer

January 26

Douglas MacArthur was born JANUARY 26, 1880. He commanded in World War I, was superintendent of West Point, and the youngest Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army.

A four-star general, he retired in 1939, but returned in 1941 to defend the Philippines.

When Japan invaded, President Roosevelt ordered him to Australia, but not before he promised "I shall return."

In 1944, he returned with an American army and freed the Philippines. Promoted to Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific, he received Japan's surrender on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Harbor.

Promoted to five-star general, he was Supreme U.N. Commander during the Korean War until President Truman made the unpopular decision to remove him for wanting to free China from Communism.

Douglas MacArthur told West Point cadets, May 1962:

"The soldier, above all other men, is required to practice the greatest act of religious training-sacrifice.

In battle and in the face of danger and death, he discloses those Divine attributes which his Maker gave when He created man in His own image.

No physical courage and no brute instinct can take the place of Divine help which alone can sustain him."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pathetic But True

Found this on the Jeff Rense Site. Thought I would pass it on. What does it represent to you? Lot to think about when you see your neighbor out of work and yet an American, the home of the Free and Land of the |Brave. Seen survalence cameras on the streets yet?

Let us see if WE can bring the old girl back to her former status. Those who give up a little freedom and liberty for the sake of security deserve neither. What happened to American = only YOU can make that determination as to what her future will be !!

The bottom line is that we shop at WAL-MART because we get good deals there. At what cost - Pathetic but true. In all reality, most Americans do not give a what fore=they just want to live the good life their fathers and grandfathers bought and paid for. Rome all over again. Is history repeating itself? Send this to your pastors= WAKE UP AMERICAN !

..: US Officers planned the Beit Hanoun Massacre :..

Pastor Tex Marrs from Texas, former college professor, ex-army military officer and aero-space professional published these photos on his web site at I trust that you have the stomach for these: Click Here:

I suggest that will show these photos to your children and explain to them how it is that their government approves and sanctions such activities. The family here was murdered with the help of the US
Army personnel attached to the Israeli Military. Also, have your pastor copy these photos and net references and pass them out while taking up the Sunday morning offering. These photos will let them know what they are supporting. You can also listen to Texe,s radio program from his web site. Good Stuff ! We are long overdue in kicking the Israeli lobby and APAC out of Washington where they have bought and paid for so many members of our Congress and, with our money. Do your homework because these people are hellbent on America,s destruction through imposition of their supremacy agenda.
.: US Officers planned the Beit Hanoun Massacre :..

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Living in Peru » News » Peru has highest Business startup rate worldwide

Poor picture I know, but it does depict the substance of the following article about the free market economy in Lima, Peru. The highest new business start-up rate in the world and you sure can see it in action on these crowded streets. No public welfare here, root hog or die, if you can move your little finger, then get off of your dead ass and do something ! This old lady sells used books and candy.
Living in Peru » News » Peru has highest Business startup rate worldwide

American Moral Compass & Recent Political History

Yes, here is an article certainly worth reading to your children, a great outline for your kitchen table or fireside class on recent American History, Morality, Ethics and Economics. Of course most Americans are too busy taking the kids to the ball games, dance classes and promoting other foolishness in preparation for their citizenship into the North American Union.

Bill Barnstead,s recent discussion of his observations of the past 50 years needs to be thoroughly digested and just maybe his reflections will stir up revival in our Spirits as we go out the door to our place of worship, |MacDonald's or to our favorite watering hole. Bill is right about our Moral Compass, the needle of which has lost its polarity to the glee of our self imposed masters. Bill is calling all of us to repent, reconsider our direction and our need to once again return to our roots and righteous standing. The future of our grandchildren hangs in the balance. Read Bill,s article HERE !
