Thursday, October 27, 2005

Good Morning My Dear Friends

It is 4:47 A.M. here in Callao, Peru and I have just completed this new Blog in support of the orphaned and street children down here whom we have been called to serve. Today we will be visiting with one of the local Catholic Priests and then on to his orphan center to take some photographs and meet the staff.

Our new offices are being renovated with the addition of a few used computers, copy machine and digital photo equipment.

We could use a box full of cheep dimestore harmonicas, a good rebuilt or used laptop computer with wireless capabilities and some hard cold cash perferrable by Western Union until such time as we get our e-commerce capabilities up and running. Each month, we intend to have pictures and histories of a child we are caring for in partnership with a given orphanage. Further, should you ever decide to take a vacation and visit lovely Peru, we will have accomodations for you absolutely at no cost as consideration for your faithful and loyal support of our Mission.

We always look forward to hearing from you and your news from up North. More later, stay tuned and don´t forget the harmonicas. It is not an instrument common down here and it thrills the children so. These are children of the street and the older girl Gladys is 14 years old, studies mathematics and literature. She will soon need an operation on her throat, we are currently providing her with medication and encouragement.