Well there is so much going on and so much to keep up with as we move deeper into this global financial decline. I would encourage you to do your homework, invest in yourself, think outside of the box, use reason-logic-common sense and get prepared for the worst and pray for the best.
What do you think about my new blog mascot there to your left. There is just something about a barnyard rooster and his connection not only with his mission, but a reminder about our need to be connected with nature as he certainly is. He is not burdened with bull shit as most of us are, does not worry, fret or allow himself to be led around by politicians , preachers, governmental employees, professors, attorneys and bureaucrats , all educated way beyond their intelligence. And this brings us to sustainable communities and the need for self-reliance.
If you have not already done so, give some thought about how you are going to eat, feed your families, protect what you have and simply survive should our entire social, financial and distribution networks suddenly fail. How will you deal with martial law, gun confiscation and your children herded into internment centers.
A couple of suggestions would be as follows: If you do not have a farm or access to land, find yourself a farmer or land owner that you can associate with and trade with. Be sure to have guns and ammunition to defend yourself and family against the hungry hoards so dumb ed down and oblivious to these times and seasons. Having something to barter with such as toilet paper, soap, cigarettes, whiskey, ammo, tools, the list goes on and on.
Get involved with your local community and discussion groups concerning emergency preparedness and food production and preservation. Take time out and review the sites listed on this blog and think about how you are going to deal with what is being foretasted and the uneasy feeling you have in your gut about the future. The Patriot and Prepper community here and on the net are most willing to help you with your quest and journey.
Lastly, do what you can to pass these thoughts on to those you care about, preach the good new and the bad news, be a watchman on the wall and shout out the need for preparation before the full force of this storm arrives. The depression of the 30,s was a cakewalk compared to this one on its way where you will neither be able to buy or sell without being in the system. Some of us will option to produce and trade and therein rests our freedoms and sovereignty.
What do you think about my new blog mascot there to your left. There is just something about a barnyard rooster and his connection not only with his mission, but a reminder about our need to be connected with nature as he certainly is. He is not burdened with bull shit as most of us are, does not worry, fret or allow himself to be led around by politicians , preachers, governmental employees, professors, attorneys and bureaucrats , all educated way beyond their intelligence. And this brings us to sustainable communities and the need for self-reliance.
If you have not already done so, give some thought about how you are going to eat, feed your families, protect what you have and simply survive should our entire social, financial and distribution networks suddenly fail. How will you deal with martial law, gun confiscation and your children herded into internment centers.
A couple of suggestions would be as follows: If you do not have a farm or access to land, find yourself a farmer or land owner that you can associate with and trade with. Be sure to have guns and ammunition to defend yourself and family against the hungry hoards so dumb ed down and oblivious to these times and seasons. Having something to barter with such as toilet paper, soap, cigarettes, whiskey, ammo, tools, the list goes on and on.
Get involved with your local community and discussion groups concerning emergency preparedness and food production and preservation. Take time out and review the sites listed on this blog and think about how you are going to deal with what is being foretasted and the uneasy feeling you have in your gut about the future. The Patriot and Prepper community here and on the net are most willing to help you with your quest and journey.
Lastly, do what you can to pass these thoughts on to those you care about, preach the good new and the bad news, be a watchman on the wall and shout out the need for preparation before the full force of this storm arrives. The depression of the 30,s was a cakewalk compared to this one on its way where you will neither be able to buy or sell without being in the system. Some of us will option to produce and trade and therein rests our freedoms and sovereignty.