Friday, January 15, 2010

Here is one good man, Dan Martino, not many lefte. Have tried to write this about four times and lost it all. Too big hands for such a little keyboard !!

What you are seeing here is a blood covenant contract, the outome to be determined by the integrity of the families represented.

Dan, Welsome aboard, I only wish I had met you earlier, you give this old Sage new spark and clarity of vision !! You are a credit to your family and your duty is clear = Live Free or Die !!!
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another New Year, 2010

Well, hell, you can not stop the clock and 2009 was a good year except for the misconduct of Congress, the elected employees of the American People.  I guess a people will always end up with the government they deserve.


Surely an exciting time to be alive as we observe the destruction of this great Republic, actually rotting from within.  We have the best Congress money can buy – sold to global materialists in love with money, power and consolidation under the preverbal new world order.  Yet, the American people continue to take the kids to sports events, fatten up at burger heaven, warm church pews and slide down the banister of personal corruption and indolence.


I can not help but feel that some type of judgment is on its way, law of sewing and reaping or whatever, yet the world begs out for leadership and equity.  Lots to think about and prepare for.  The enemy is at the gates and we are still reading the sports page and passing on same to our children = God help us !!!