Saturday, April 21, 2007

Necular Manuevers in Virginia--Get Ready !!

Noble Resolve 07: Four days of “simulated” nuclear terrorist scenarios in the US & Europe

By DL Abrahamson

Global Research, April 20, 2007

False Flag News - Another good Bookmark for you !

From April, 23 to April 27, the elite echelon of the military are running Noble Resolve 07, a four-day marathon of “simulated” terror attacks across the US and Europe. This includes a simulated detonation of a “loose” ten-kiloton nuclear weapon Virginia harbor, smuggled in by a “foreign nation.”

This week Dick Cheney has also been warning of the “very real” threat of a nuclear attack on an American city. Could the Nobel Resolve drills be used as a screen for a false-flag attack to be blamed on Iran, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, or sheep-dipped Americans like Adam Gadahn?

The drills are being run by Joint Task Force Command (JTFCOM), Northern Command (NORTHCOM), J9 Joint Innovation and Experimentation Directorate, FEMA’s command bunker, the Department of Homeland Security, and Virginia police.

The US Marines are also running “Emerald Express 07” in Virginia on April 24 as part of their Urban Warrior 07 drill package.

It is important to note the “Nobel Resolve” drills are dominated by NORTHCOM, the branch of “homeland defense” based in Colorado and responsible for shutting down the United States under martial law, as well as ushering in the merger of the US, Canada, and Mexico via the SPP.

Meanwhile the J9 Directorate, formulates various terror scenarios and uses advanced computer modeling to run drills and predict human reactions; Recent articles highlight how they are using virtual environments to create and manage realistic war scenarios with millions of “people.”

Some key quotes from the article:

“He said the scenario of the experiment's first phase starts with multinational partners and goes down to individual municipalities. It begins with a threat that originates in Europe and travels toward the United States.”

“Kersh said that as the scenario progresses, other agencies and other layers of government become involved.”

"The problem eventually arrives at the commonwealth of Virginia with that threat making it into port and then blowing up. This will cause us to work the consequence management part of the problem”

“The fusion center is in a state police headquarters and it's collocated with Virginia's emergency operations center.” (ed: Mount Weather)

“coordinated with DHS, possibly to coincide with one of that department's major exercises.”

We must remember that CIA agent Philip Giraldi warned the American Conservative magazine that STRATCOM would launch a nuclear attack on Iran in the wake of a new WMD-style attack on American soil.

And the Russian media and former Russian military members continue to warn that an American and Israeli strike on Iran is imminent.

While many drills are run every month, Nobel Resolve 07, with it’s “realistic” scenarios, comes at a time of increased geopolitical tension. It is reminiscent of the drills in 2005, where a ten-kiloton nuclear weapon was “simulated” to explode in South Carolina. Some speculated that four-star Gen. Kevin Byrnes, of the Fort Meade TRADOC command, was fired due to his exposure of the drill.

We should not live in a constant state of panic and fear, or make any irresponsible predictions about Noble Resolve 07. But in the coming days, we can email this information to blogs, media outlets, friends and family. Congressmen, and others to help inoculate against any possibility that rogue “red teams” inside the drills may be activated.

Dave Has It Right - Check Him Out !!

This article from Dave was posted at Free Market News Network
Author, novelist, journalist
Two-time Fulbright Scholar
Winner, Most Censored Story, 2003

The enemies of the Constitution are growing in number and are to be found now, not just in the White House and the Congress, but also in state capitals, from Washington to Vermont.

Not only do we have a president and vice president who are almost daily undermining and rending at the fabric of the Constitution. Not only do we have Democratic Party leaders actively barring the party's elected representatives from standing up to the president by submitting bills of impeachment, as called for in the Constitution.

We now have Democratic Party leaders in state legislatures betraying Founder Thomas Jefferson, by sabotaging grassroots efforts to get joint legislative resolutions passed demanding the start of impeachment proceedings in the House.

Thomas Jefferson, a complex and personally deeply conflicted human being was, as a philosopher of government, incredibly prescient. Not only did he foresee the critical need for a section laying out the inalienable rights of man in the nation's founding document. He also understood the concept of a "beltway bubble" long before there were even paved roads, much less interstate highway beltways.

Jefferson understood that a monomaniacal and unprincipled president, particularly in time of war or national crisis, could intimidate members of Congress-particularly a weak Congress riven by political rivalries-and prevent that body from going forward with impeachment. He understood that members of Congress themselves, remote geographically and politically from their constituents, could eventually become so isolated they would fail to act in accordance with the wishes of the voters who sent them to Washington. That's why Jefferson came up with an alternative way of initiating impeachment proceedings, in addition to the standard Constitutionally-prescribed method of having a House member submit an impeachment bill. His solution, laid out in his Manual of the Rules of the House, was to allow a joint resolution by any state's legislature calling for impeachment to also require the House to initiate impeachment.

Over the past year, there have been grassroots campaigns underway in at least 10 states to get such resolutions passed.

Unfortunately, the Democratic leaders of a number of state legislatures, working in collusion with, or at the direction of even more craven Democratic Party leaders in Washington, are undermining Jefferson, and are sabotaging his carefully crafted mechanism for defending and protecting the Constitution and ensuring the survival of democratic freedoms.

In New Mexico, Democratic leaders in the state senate, after earlier voting in favor of an impeachment resolution, suddenly turned around and defeated a procedural effort to bring an impeachment resolution to the floor for a vote, effectively killing the measure. A similar effort was made by party leaders in the Washington State Senate, though a second effort to get that bill, Senate 8016, to a floor vote will be made tomorrow (Friday).

In Vermont, where 38 town meetings in March all voted out impeachment resolutions, and called on the state's legislature to pass an impeachment resolution, the Democratic leaders of the state House and Senate are apparently blocking attempts to move a resolution to a floor vote (where it would likely pass).

In each case, there is evidence that Congressional leaders in Washington, often with the assistance of members of each state's own Congressional delegation, have been leaning on Democratic legislative leaders in the statehouses, to pressure them to kill the impeachment resolutions.

This tactic represents a grotesque betrayal of Thomas Jefferson, who expressly saw the state legislative resolution route to impeachment as a way of letting the public, at the state level, send a message to Congress, not the other way around. By squelching such efforts from Washington, the Democratic Party is using top-down power to undermine the popular will.

Polls have repeatedly shown that a majority of Americans, and an overwhelming majority of Democrats, want to see the president impeached and brought up on charges for lying to put the country into an illegal war, for illegally ordering the National Security Agency to spy on Americans without a warrant, for abusing power by invalidating acts of Congress, for ordering torture, for covering up the outing of a CIA undercover agent, and for myriad other crimes. Yet the Democratic Party leadership has decided that it is in the Democratic Party's short-term interest to ignore these dangerous assaults on the Republic and the Constitution. The thinking among party leaders is that by laying low and doing little, Democrats can reap gains in the 2008 national election.

Maybe they're right about that. Maybe they're not. But impeachment in any case is not about partisan gain. It is a process mandated by the Constitution when freedom is under threat. Every member of Congress took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution from attack by enemies foreign and domestic.

We all know that the Bush administration is wrecking the Constitution, and that it is trying to turn the presidency into an all-powerful dictatorship.

In the face of that assault, the national Democratic Party, far from standing up for the Constitution and for democracy, is proving to be an abettor in the crime.

Now state party leaders are showing themselves to be just as craven and cowardly.

Socialistic Law Enforcement Trends

From time to time I run on to articles, references and quotes which I am moved to pass along to you as part of your continued educational efforts. Acquiring knowledge and wisdom on a continual basis, our need to be ever vigilant and our mission as defenders of Truth, Liberty, Justice, Equity, Integrity and Freedom require nothing less.

For Americans, this is especially important given our fiduciary responsibility in the safeguarding the efforts and admonitions and legacy of our Forefathers and their thoughts concerning the future of Nation and its children, yours and mine. If we do not understand our history, our foundational documents and the world view and the basis of the Moral Code which brought us our basic rights and liberties, then by default, we will loose them all.

Our duty is clear and has never changed. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty for sure. Hopefully these messages, articles and thoughts will serve you well as you exercise your civic responsibilities. As additinal references I recommend the following sites for review on an ongoing basis. News With Views, Infowars, World Net Daily, Freedom Foundation, Freedom Phoenix

Friday, April 20, 2007


Though wishing to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, we have received calls from police and EMT's who tell us that a stand down order was in place, and this is also confirmed by eyewitness Matt Kazee, who is a student at VA Tech:

It appears that the murder of some 31 students at Va. Tech may have been orchestrated to some degree by elements within our government as has been their practice in the recent past. Their objective here seems to be operations in prepartions for the elimination of the 2nd Amendment or severely restricting the US Citizens access to firearms. You may want to follow this story as it unwinds. A good source of current information is as well as the many others posted to the Net. Think about the two hour space between the first shootings, the preparation of video tapes and communications and then resumption of the shootings. Further, why has a Judge recently sealed for 20 years the records and testimony concerning the Columbine shootins. Keep your antennae up and think outside the box. Connect the dots starting with 911. Remember, deception is the word of the day !!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Dave Daubenmire -- Send in the Clowns!

The following article is from Dave Daubenmier of Columbus, Ohio, a real American as was John Henry the steel driving man , a cherished figure of our historic past. Had one man of their stature been with the students of Virginia Tech, I believe the carnage would have been diminished if not foiled all together. This tragedy would not have happened in America 20 years ago and now only highlights the decadence brought on by our new moral compass. Worse is yet to come and tragically, by design of our masters !

Don't you love farce?

My fault I fear.
I thought that you'd want what I want.
Sorry, my dear.
But where are the clowns?
Quick, send in the clowns.
Don't bother, they're here.
As sung by Judy Collins

Circus--a troupe of performers, esp. a traveling troupe, that presents such entertainments, together with officials, other employees, and the company's performing animals, traveling wagons, tents, cages, and equipment.

Clowns“Clowns can be seen just about anywhere, doing just about anything. What ties all clowns together is a keen sense of the absurd, and a willingness to perform.”

I always loved to go to the circus. There was an excitement in the pageantry “under the big top.” The action was daring and quick, designed to keep you on the edge of your seat. From the acrobats, to the animals, the circus was a perfect respite from the pressures of life.

The three-ring circus was the best. It was orchestrated with three different areas of action so that the patrons could move from one exciting show to another without missing a beat. While the scenery in one ring was being rigged, our focus bounced to another stage where the performers quickly collected our attention. It was a fast moving, highly captivating experience.

And what would a circus be without the clowns? The purpose of the clowns was to distract the viewer from the rapidly-changing scenery. If, perchance, an animal were to attack his trainer, or the man on the flying trapeze were to miss his grip, the ringmaster would “send in the clowns.” The job of the clowns was to direct your attention away from the tragedy that was unfolding.

Life in America is becoming a circus. Tragedy is everywhere. And in a time when we need some serious answers, they are sending us the clowns. Like a room full of elementary-school boys, our leaders are praying that we all have ADHD. Send in the clowns. Watch and listen as they do their antics and distract us from all directions.

We will grow weary, they know, of asking for answers. Everything will be fine, our television tells us. The clowns are in control.

Why is it that we are no longer laughing?

Where are America’s leaders? No, not the one’s you are thinking of, the one’s being force-fed to you by the alphabet networks. They are the clowns, or at least part of the traveling troupe: Jackson, Sharpton, Newt, Giuliani, Obama, Hillary, Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Pelosi, and Bush, are just a few of the jesters sent to distract us from the main event. From Natalie Holloway to Imus, Anna Nicole to Britney, they distract us from the real problems that we face.

My wife and I have a daughter who is a freshman in college. I can’t imagine the grief the parents of the Virginia Tech victims must be enduring. As can be expected the hue and cry for answers will cascade over the airwaves as the clowns are paraded before us to distract us from the real answers. And what will the clowns tell us?

“We need gun control. More tolerance. Fire the president. More metal detectors” infinitum.

Like Hans Brinker, the clowns dance around and suggest ways to stick our thumbs in the dike, holding back the deluge until America springs another leak, at which time they will direct us to another hole in need of another thumb. All the while the dam is ready to burst.

What a perfect time for the church to be the church. But let’s be honest. Our church leadership is the ones with the biggest thumbs.

America doesn’t need more gun control, we need moral control. Please Lord, send us men who will say that!

Instead we get the clowns. Those who will direct us away from the real problem facing society, sin, to a false solution of purpose and prosperity. America is soul sick, and our leaders refuse to call for radical surgery on the heart.

I was reading a story yesterday about the slaughter in Virginia and I was struck by one small throw-away sentence so common in stories like this. “School officials say counselors and ministers will be available to aid the grieving.”

Here come the thumbs. Send in the clowns. I always find it ironic that when tragedy strikes, our schools “officials” are quick to call upon the “ministers” -- those with large thumbs -- to come and help deal with the aftermath of the carnage. Those same “ministers” who were not allowed in school to prevent the death, are now invited to school to explain the death.

And what is the message the “officials” send? That religion is only important AFTER one is dead.

Thirty-two children are dead, killed not by a gun, but by a young man with rot in his soul. On what can we blame his blatant intolerance?

“To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.” --Teddy Roosevelt.

"Let the carefully instructed in the principles and obligations of the Christian religion. This is the most essential part of education. The great enemy of the salvation of man, in my opinion, never invented a more effectual means of extirpating [removing] Christianity from the world than by persuading mankind that it was improper to read the Bible at schools." --Benjamin Rush

Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:”

Education is a heart issue. We have made it a head issue.

Here is a simple thought. Wasn’t America a better place when we taught Christian values to all of our children?

In 1962 the courts stripped God from education. In 1963 they removed His Word. We have been plugging leaks in America ever since.

How many more children will die, how many more parents will weep, how many more laws will we pass in an attempt to control the heart of a man?

Let’s face it. America is immersed in a culture of death. No amount of legislation or education will change that. The dam is about to break.

2 Chronicles 7:19-22 “But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations. And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house? And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.”

America is looking for answers. The Gospel is our only chance. We must teach it to our young. Why won’t somebody say it? Don’t we love our children?

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…

I’m tired of the clowns. All they do is make my thumbs sore.

Send in the King!

Order the CD’s here.

Do you think like a Christian or a humanist? Did the Founders really separate Church and State? Is Judicial tyranny ruining America? Check out these great teachings by the Coach.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Most Dangerous Bill Every Introduced

By Bob Unruh
© 2007

"This bill says that hordes of homosexuals are being forced to flee their home states because they are routinely denied access to goods, services and employment," he said. "This explains the mystery of the crowded highways and airports in San Francisco and New York. … The reasons for the bill are completely unsupported."

Debate has been launched in Congress on a federal "hate speech" proposal similar to a state law that already has been used to send grandmothers to jail for their "crime" of sharing the Gospel of Jesus on a Philadelphia public sidewalk. And Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute told members that "our society needs to heed voices of conscience – not haul them into court."

"This is the most dangerous bill in America," said Janet Folger, a WND columnist and the president of Faith2Action, which has launched an advertising campaign on the issue.

Dacus said in comments prepared for presentation to the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security that H.R. 1592 would use the power and authority of the federal government to stifle free speech, especially religious speech.

He talked about the misuse of "hate crimes" laws that give those claiming "sexual orientation" or "gender identity" discrimination special legal rights, pointing out that such a maneuver recently was used, as WND has reported, by the Hindu American Foundation to label a long list of Christian ministry websites who promote Christian beliefs and offer the choice of those beliefs to those involved in other religions as "hate speech."

"What makes America great is its tolerance for a diversity of viewpoints – even viewpoints we may not agree with. H.R. 1592 is a smokescreen for stifling dissent on important issues of national debate such as sexual orientation, gender identity and religion," he said.

"This so-called 'hate crime' legislation begins to lay the legal foundation and framework for investigating, prosecuting and persecuting pastors, business owners, and anyone else whose actions reflect their faith – as has already been starkly demonstrated in California, Canada, Europe and Australia," he said.

The proposal, on its face, would create bans on "hate crimes," but Rev. Louis Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition said it more accurately is "an attempt by the ultra liberals and the homosexuals to force Americans to accept homosexuality and gender disturbance as equal to God's Created Order of heterosexuality."

He said states already have the resources to deal with crimes of bodily harm or assault, and the plan is simply not needed. Worse yet, he said, it creates a crime of "thought."

Sheldon's organization is releasing a poster showing Jesus as a wanted fugitive, for "crimes" under the planned "hate crimes" legislation.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Appeal From A Muted American President

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom."

I have never been more excited about a conference in my life.”

— Jacob G. Hornberger, founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation

Conference 2007

$495 Registration — Includes 10 Meals and 24 Speeches

“The general principles of any study you may learn by books at home; but the detail, the colour, the tone, the air, the life which makes it live in us, you must catch all these from those in whom it lives already.”

— John Henry Cardinal Newman

“No one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with unconcern; the interests of everyone hang on the result.”

— Ludwig von Mises

The Future of Freedom Foundation is holding one of the most important conferences in the history of the libertarian movement, “Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties.”

June 1–4, 2007, from Friday morning through Monday noon, we will be addressing the two most burning issues of our time — foreign policy and civil liberties. This landmark conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia. Reston is one of the nicest areas of northern Virginia and, in fact, was recently named one of the Top 100 Best Places to Live by Money magazine.

For the past several decades, U.S. foreign policy has included support of dictatorial regimes, brutal sanctions and embargoes, invasions and occupations, terrorist “blowback” against the United States, severe assaults on civil liberties and the Bill of Rights, suspension of habeas corpus, torture and “rendition” of detainees, indefinite detentions, and kangaroo military tribunals.

With the ever-growing debacle in Iraq, there has never been a better time to come together to share ideas on restoring the limited-government, constitutional republic envisioned by our Founding Fathers. It is to that end that we are hosting this exciting and important conference. When you review our list of 24 speakers — libertarians, liberals, and conservatives — you will see that this is going to be one fantastic intellectual experience you are not going to want to miss.

Not only will you have the opportunity to listen to speeches by some of the greatest speakers on foreign policy and civil liberties, you will also have the opportunity to mingle with them as well as with conference participants from all over the country who share the same passion and commitment concerning foreign policy and civil liberties.

Register for the conference with FFF either online or by telephoning us (1-703-934-6101).

After registering for the conference, call the Hyatt Regency Reston (1-888-591-1234; 703-709-1234) to make your hotel reservations. Be sure to mention “The Future of Freedom Foundation conference” to receive a discounted room. (Discounted rooms are limited and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.)

Don’t delay! Register today!



The nightmare Bush dreads most Just to keep you informed with tools helpful in sorting out the logic of American Foreign Policy promoted by Bush And Company. For those of us who voted for Mr. Bush and for those of you who did not even take the time to Vote, this is where we are. Now what are we going to do ???

Najaf. Over a million Iraqis, holding aloft thousands of national flags, marched, chanting, "Yes, yes, Iraq/No, no, America" and "No, no, American/Leave, leave occupier." The demonstrators arrived from all over the country in response to a call by Muqtada al-Sadr, a radical Shi'ite cleric, to demand an end to foreign occupation .

Monday, April 16, 2007

Power and Influence of Israel Lobby

Very Important article for you to read and understand relative to how our American Foreign Policy is bent in favor of special interests not necessarily those of the American People: Professors Mearshimer and Walt going public :

The Israel lobby debate

In March the London Review of Books published John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt's essay 'The Israel Lobby'. The response to the article prompted the LRB to hold a debate under the heading 'The Israel lobby: does it have too much influence on American foreign policy?'. The debate took place in New York on 28 September in the Great Hall of the Cooper Union. The panellists were Shlomo Ben-Ami, Martin Indyk, Tony Judt, Rashid Khalidi, John Mearsheimer and Dennis Ross, and the moderator was Anne-Marie Slaughter.A video of the event, produced by ScribeMedia, is now available to view online. Click here to view the debate.

Deception and Martial Law

Nancy Levant

April 17, 2007

If you want to understand big corruption, you’ve got to follow money. I could end this article with that said, however, and following a day researching the power of money, I am filled to brimming with thoughts on money and the attainment of power alone.

First, let me say this: if you are a parent and you haven’t found Dr. Dennis Cuddy’s series titled Mental Health, Education, and Social Control, you are clueless about your child’s social, political, mental, and physical entrapment and vulnerability. For the sake of your children, read this series TODAY. I will post the link at the end of this article.

In brief, the implementation of universal mental health screening in schools, which is currently operating in our school system, is a public-private partnership deal between the federal government and the pharmaceutical industry. It is a money scam. If you read Dr. Cuddy’s series, you will clearly follow the money trail from pharma to Fed and back. How do American parents stop this insidious, unconscionable attack upon our children? You break the money trail.

Pull you children out of the public school system immediately. Every excuse that you claim for not homeschooling your children is crap. Never again support a school levy. If you are devoted to your public school system, you are a complicit player in the destruction of your child’s psyche, health, future, and your country. All your excuses are null and void. You want to see “universal” mental health screening go away? Make good and sure that every public school stands empty at the beginning of the school year. You want to see the globalist-Socialist indoctrination of your children cease and desist? Don’t allow them to be indoctrinated by the excuses you give for not homeschooling. Any parent can homeschool a child, and any parent who sends their children into a pubic school building is an enemy of freedom.

Next, sell your large houses immediately. Get rid of them and pay off every single debt that you have. Owe nothing to creditors and lenders – nothing. Think about renting. Why? If you rent, you do not personally participate in the property tax support of governmental indoctrination centers called schools. If you buy another home, buy it away from populated areas, but buy only if you can pay off the house with cash, and never, ever support another school levy.

Now let’s talk about banks – the apex of the global money trail. My suggestion is to close your accounts. Use money orders to mail payments. Keep your money elsewhere and always have cash on hand. Close your savings accounts. You do not need them. Do not continue to support the scams and crimes of the elite by participating in their theft systems. Instead, support small business owners who do not “partner” with criminals. Also, cancel all large media subscriptions. The only way to fight public-private fire is with money. Take it away from them.

Now let’s talk about our employment. If you are working in “traditional” health care systems, including mental health care, insurance industries, non-profits, or for any of the mega-conglomerations and corporations, you are feeding the power of the monster. Once you sell your large homes and pay off your debts, you will no longer need to live or think like financial slaves. Work for good, decent, honorable, and honest people or start your own businesses. Get off the big money grid that has skillfully made you into a debtor slave and nothing more. If you are currently a government employee, shame on you, for your government is destroying your nation, your rights, and your children. Facts are facts.

You have the right to refuse this system. You have a right to freedom, but you have a moral obligation to demand a moral government and economic system. If you participate in immorality, knowing full well the corruption at hand, you are an enemy of freedom. It is time for every American citizen to draw the line in the sand, for our nightmare is upon us. With the wisdom of a child, simply say, “I’m not playing this game anymore.”

Now, let’s get to the crux of our deplorable state of national affairs. There’s the one-world governance mission, which “representatives” carry out according to their financial handlers, and then there is the political backbone of the one-world system, and it’s called the declared state of emergency in the United States, which began in earnest in 1933. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, institute martial law, seize and control all transportation and communication, regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel, and control every aspect of the lives of all American citizens.

This situation has continued uninterrupted and unchanged since March 9, 1933. Our nation has operated in a state of declared national emergency for nearly 75 years without the people of the nation realizing such. You didn’t learn this in any of your public schools, did you?

According to current laws, as found in Title 12 USC, Section 95(b), everything the President or the Secretary of the Treasury has done since March 4, 1933 is automatically approved:

"The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made, or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury since March the 4th, 1933, pursuant to the authority conferred by Subsection (b) of Section 5 of the Act of October 6th, 1917, as amended [12 USCS Sec. 95a], are hereby approved and confirmed. (Mar. 9, 1933, c. 1,Title 1, Sec. 1, 48 Stat. 1]."

On March 4, 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as President. On March 9, 1933, Congress approved, in a special session, his Proclamation 2038 that became known as the Act of March 9, 1933:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Congress hereby declares that a serious national emergency exists and that it is imperatively necessary speedily to put into effect remedies of uniform national application."

This is an example of the Rule of Necessity, a rule of law where necessity knows no law. This rule was invoked to remove the authority of the Constitution.

Chapter 1, Title 1, Section 48, Statute 1 of this Act of March 9, 1933 contains the exact same wording as Title12, USC 95(b) quoted earlier, proving that we are still under the Rule of Necessity in a declared state of national emergency.

Title 12 USC 95(b) refers to the authority granted in the Act of October 6, 1917 (also called The Trading with the Enemy Act or War Powers Act) which was "An Act to define, regulate, and punish trading with the enemy, and for other purposes."

This Act originally excluded citizens of the United States, but in the Act of March 9, 1933, Section 2 amended this to include "any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof."

It was here that every American citizen literally became an enemy to the United States government under declaration.

According to the current Memorandum of American Cases and Recent English Cases on The Law of Trading With the Enemy, we have no personal Rights at law in any court, and all Rights of an enemy (all American citizens are declared enemies) to sue in the courts are suspended, whereby the public good must prevail over private gain.

This also provides for the confiscation of enemy private property. Now we understand why we no longer receive allodial freehold title to our land. As enemies, our property is no longer ours to secure.

The only way we can do business or any type of legal trade is to obtain permission from our government by means of a license. Sound familiar all you life-long learners?

So, guess who initiated all of these emergency powers? On March 3, 1933, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York adopted a resolution stating that the withdrawal of currency and gold from the banks had created a national emergency, and "the Federal Reserve Board is hereby requested to urge the President of the United States to declare a bank holiday, Saturday March 4, and Monday, March 6".

Roosevelt was told to close down the banking system and did so with Proclamation 2039 under the excuse of alleged unwarranted hoarding of gold by Americans. Then with Proclamation 2040, he declared on March 9, 1933 the existence of a national bank emergency whereas "all Proclamations heretofore or hereafter issued by the President pursuant to the authority conferred by section 5(b) of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended, are approved and confirmed." Wow, talk about a permanent, hand-crafted, and delivered dictatorship.

Once an emergency is declared, there is no common law and the Constitution is automatically abolished. We are no longer under law. Law has been abolished. We are under a system of War Powers.

Our stocks, bonds, houses, and land can be seized as Americans are considered enemies of the state. What we have is not ours under the War Powers given to the President, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the military war machine.

Whenever any President proclaims that the national emergency has ended, all War Powers shall cease to be in effect. Congress can do nothing without the President's signature because Congress granted to him these emergency powers. And for nearly 75 years, no President has been willing to give up this extraordinary power, whereby terminating the original proclamation and his “approved and confirmed” dictatorial powers.

So, we ask ourselves how America came to its deplorable condition, with Constitution dissolving before our eyes via an out of control Executive Branch, and all rights granted to the people following suit, and now you have the answer. Presidents and Secretaries of the Treasury can do anything they choose, because they were given such powers at the “emergency” request of The Federal Reserve, including killing the Constitution. Ignorance surely was bliss, wasn’t it?

Sure, they allow a few token rights here and there to keep us in a state of ignorant denial, but mark my words – it’s only a matter of time before the new laws of their one-world creation (Communitarian Law, which is based on “the pubic good”) end all ignorance in full. Think Martial Law, FEMA rule, centralized police state, and the end of all semblances of our pretend freedom.

If you love freedom, even if it was a figment of our deceived imaginations, you still might want to consider that everything has become “federalized,” and your money supports this state of American affairs. Therefore, the first issue is to demand an end to the declared state of emergency, which renders our “leaders” capable of any dictatorial power they choose to inflict. And your “money?” Does the Federal Reserve ring an emergency bell? Are they STILL driving the “declared emergency” presidential wagon? Is the purposeful bankrupting of this nation by the Federal Reserve Corporation still enforcing our declared state of emergency – the same “emergency” the Fed implanted into law in 1933?

Many thanks to for the information about America’s declared and unending state of emergency. God bless you for your dedication to freedom. Also, many thank to Dr. Cuddy for the steadfast devotion to sovereignty, Christianity, American children, and their clueless and economically enslaved parents.

Seek truth, facts, and actual knowledge. Don’t find yourselves manipulated and dictated to by “leadership” of any flavor, including the religious leadership. It’s up to you to use the brains God gave you, and to figure out for yourselves how liars lead commoners to slaughter. You still have access to truth. Better find it while you can and act accordingly and in unison with all countrymen.

1, Contact A.C.E (Americans for Constitutional Enforcement) at and click on the link, "A.C.E. Download Page.” Or, you can go directly to the download page at A.C.E. provides a free packet of information on how to start community groups, and will also provide you with educational materials for your groups.

2, Attend the Kansas City Summit. Go to, and register to attend this national meeting of like minds this coming July. Don’t even think about summer vacations, folks. This year, serve what’s left of your nation by building the coalition that can muster the numbers and the media attention to save our country. Pray, and with your help, this will be a historic event in American history.

3, Please read Dr. Edwin Vieira’s newest book titled Constitutional Homeland Security, which can be purchased at Remember that we must always look to our Constitution for answers to tyranny. If we, the people, fail to protect our liberties and our homeland, we will, in fact, as Dr. Vieira states, “…degenerate into a centralized bureaucratic police state.” This is a book with a constitutional and viable plan that CAN save this nation. THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ.

© 2007 Nancy Levant - All Rights Reserved

E-Mails are used strictly for NWVs alerts, not for sale

Nancy Levant is a renowned writer for Constitutional governance and American culture. She is the author of The Cultural Devastation of American Women: The Strange and Frightening Decline of the American Female (and her dreadful timing).

She is an opponent of deceptive governance and politicians, global governance by deception, political feminism, the public school system, political economics based upon manufactured wars and their corporate benefactors, and the Federal Reserve System. She is also a nationwide and lively radio personality. To book an engagement with Nancy Levant, send an email request to:


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Chuck Baldwin -- When Do Bad Policies Become Treasonous?

I just could not resist the above caption as it speaks so well of economic agra productivity in a very human sense. The following article is only one of may examples giving some insight into the sentiment of the American People and the move towards impeachment and hopefully of many of our Congressmen. Treason is a serious allegation and absent ajudiciation, rebellion may follow and certainly for a just cause - think about it !
Chuck Baldwin -- When Do Bad Policies Become Treasonous?