Friday, April 20, 2007


Though wishing to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, we have received calls from police and EMT's who tell us that a stand down order was in place, and this is also confirmed by eyewitness Matt Kazee, who is a student at VA Tech:

It appears that the murder of some 31 students at Va. Tech may have been orchestrated to some degree by elements within our government as has been their practice in the recent past. Their objective here seems to be operations in prepartions for the elimination of the 2nd Amendment or severely restricting the US Citizens access to firearms. You may want to follow this story as it unwinds. A good source of current information is as well as the many others posted to the Net. Think about the two hour space between the first shootings, the preparation of video tapes and communications and then resumption of the shootings. Further, why has a Judge recently sealed for 20 years the records and testimony concerning the Columbine shootins. Keep your antennae up and think outside the box. Connect the dots starting with 911. Remember, deception is the word of the day !!

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