Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Homesteading and Hunkering Down

Have you been following the news concerning the health of our US economy? Certainly lots to consider and evaluate however, I think we all can see that things are not well within our great Republic. I am of the opinion, like many others, that our government has been hijacked by the international financial fraternity of globalists.

It is certainly time to evaluate all of our options, preparing for the potential worst while hoping and praying for the best or, at least, staying awake and not stranded on the shores of lake stupid. What is at stake here is our very liberties and freedoms as we are being prepared to be slaves and drones in a new world order under some sort of global government. Time to wake up for sure and put off any state of personal denial.

To that end, I have adjusted my principal wed site at www.freedomroad.us and directed its content towards the subjects of Homesteading and all related and supporting subjects, thus providing you with thoughts and ideas on hunkering down and managing the potential downside similar to that of the 1930,s.

There are excellent resources here on the Net and if I can help you with any ideas and thoughts you may have, I sure am willing do do so. Here at Anicama Farms we are preparing for the addition of chickens, a milk cow or two, a couple of pigs and a small greenhouse. So stay tuned and get involved in your local community regarding food production, sustainability and acquiring or sharing with others those skills we may shortly need.