Saturday, July 07, 2007

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

If You Want To Do Something, Start Here, Get Informed

Play "Radio Spot" Featuring Cindy Sheehan [:60]
Play "Radio Spot" Featuring Cindy Sheehan and Michael Moore [1:38]

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This Independence Day, July 4th, 2007

Is not clip art great, the cut and paste thing and Google Images. Well these two photo plates are descriptive of a time, a past era, upon which our basic concepts of freedom are founded. They further depict sacrifice for principals which all seem to be vanishing, yet longing to be recaptured, rekindled, that spirit of Freedom, Liberty, Responsibility, Duty, Honor and Country.

This 4th of July Celebration should be a good time to honestly reflect on the current state of the Union, the Republic, our Homeland. I am really not sure if the Bushkovites attempting to run our show are doing so in the solom tradition and example laid down by those depicted here to your left.

What does all of this mean to you this 4th of July, 2007. To him and her that much has been give by these who have gone before you, much will be required from you to keep their candle lit, their sacrifices not to have been in vane. Hopefully you will think about this give your children pause to reflect on same.

Enjoy this day, there may be few remaining given the current direction of the Union.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Police State or Judgement or Both ?

Sad but true, can you see what is just around the corner for America. We now have a Fascist State , meaning corporate control over every facet of government. Simply put, Americans have become corrupt and decadent, like any dying think attracting disease and pestilence. Healthy Republics presuppose politically healthy citizens with a Godly and biblical world view.

The American people simply do not have the will to resist its march into slavery and sorrow. Yet we hope and pray it is not too late, but honestly, do your homework, look around and then come to your own conclusion. That does not mean that we should not do all in our power to sound the trumpet, to all, for repentance (turning around based upon new intelligence and understanding). That is our duty even knowing in our hearts it is way too late.

Christ left us with a few warnings about the time we are living in. "Beware of those who say they are Jews and are not, but of the synagogue of Satan; a couple of times He repeated this statement. Maybe better translated now as "Beware of those who call themselves Americans and Christians and are not, but are directly or indirectly servants of the synagogue of Satan. (global monopoly capitalist monetary elite, stockholders of the New World Order) - (the love of money, silver and, gold - being the root of all evil)

We have lost our faith, our courage, our steel, our guts, our sense of duty, our honor and, certainly our Country. What a pathetic bunch we are, arrogant prostitutes and still building fun churches and working hard to be politically correct, white washed seplecurs full of dead men's bones. We are without excuse, we have truly become the great whore and we justly deserve what is certainly coming. To him that much was given, now much will be required. We have truly pissed it up against the wall, our lamps are without oil!

Given all of the above, hopefully when this hits the fan, you are ready, prepared, and without whining and whimpering, wondering what happened. Lots to think about if you have not already lost that ability while on your way to Wall Mart or First Fun Church !

Words to the wise aught to be sufficient, so let,s get off of our dead asses and do what we can in preparation for our justly deserved Judgement surely coming. We are about to reap what we have been sowing, my friend !!