utmost importance to all Americans and is a story about an intrusive government who has filed to abide by the Supreme Law of the land, and in this case is about to perpetrate, again, the unthinkable or then again, is it ?
The story begins with Ed,s challance of the Internal Revnue Code and thus has made him a target of federal authrities. Here is an informed citizen who has elected to take a stand for what be believes and is willing to die for that position, his and our beloved Constitution. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Ed has elected to do something though it may cost him and his wife their lives the same as Ruby Ridge and Waco. The fellow is a reporter who was shot at by those surrounding Ed,s farm, those drones preparing to do the bidding of out of control federal and state police agency, corrupt judges and a people who have lost their will to do what is righ and just.
For more information in the siege of Ed and Elaine Brown,s home, go to www.infowars.com or just do a google search for update on Ed and Elaine,s situation.