Saturday, December 16, 2006

Thoughts Of A Young Marine in Iraq

I could not help but share this letter with you. Philip's comments are right on point. Send him a note and your prayers, as he is one of our sons --- Philip is a volunteer and like so many others, he was lied to. How long are we going to allow this lie to go on ?

by Philip Martin

I'm sick and tired of this patriotic, nationalistic and fascist crap. I stood through a memorial service today for a young Marine that was killed in Iraq back in April. During this memorial a number of people spoke about the guy and about his sacrifice for the country. How do you justify 'sacrificing' your life for a war which is not only illegal, but is being prosecuted to the extent where the only thing keeping us there is one man's power, and his ego. A recent Marine Corps intelligence report that was leaked said that the war in the al-Anbar province is unwinnable. It said that there was nothing we could do to win the hearts and minds, or the military operations in that area. So I wonder, why are we still there? Democracy is not forced upon people at gunpoint. It's the result of forward thinking individuals who take the initiative and risks to give their fellow countrymen a better way of life.

When I joined I took an oath. In that oath I swore to protect the Constitution of the United States. I didn't swear to build democracies in countries on the other side of the world under the guise of "national security." I didn't join the military to be part of an Orwellian ("1984") war machine that is in an obligatory war against whoever the state deems the enemy to be so that the populace can be controlled and riled up in a pro-nationalistic frenzy to support any new and oppressive law that will be the key to destroying the enemy. Example given – the Patriot Act. So aptly named, and totally against all that the constitution stands for. President Bush used the reactionary nature of our society to bring our country together and to infuse into the national psyche a need to give up their little-used rights in the hope to make our nation a little safer. The same scare tactics he used to win elections. He drones on and on about how America and the world would be a less safe place if we weren't killing Iraqis, and that we'd have to fight the terrorists at home if we weren't abroad. In our modern day emotive society this strategy (or strategy?) works, or had worked, up until last month's elections.

My point in this; to show that America was never nationalistic. If anything they were Statistic (giving their allegiance to the state of their residence). This is shown in the fact that the founders created states with fully capable and independent governments and not provinces that were just a division of the federal government. These men believed that America was a place where imperialistic values would be non-existent. Where the people trying to make their lives better by working hard, thinking, inventing and using the free market would tie up so much of normal life that imperialistic colonization and the fighting of wars thousands of miles away for interests that are not our own would be avoided. They believed this expansion of power could be left to the European nations, the England, France and Spain of their time. However this recent, and current influx of nationalistic feeling has created an environment where giving up your rights, going to a foreign country to fight a people who did not ask for us to be there, nor did their leader do anything to warrant us being there, and dying would be considered honorable and heroic. I don't believe it anymore. I don't believe it's right for any American to go along with it anymore. Yes I know that we in the military are bound by the UCMJ and somehow don't fall under the Constitution (the very thing we're suppose to be defending) but sooner or later there is a decision that every American soldier, marine, airmen and seamen makes to allow themselves to be sent to a war that is against every fiber this country was founded on. I know that when April rolls around I will be thinking long and hard on that decision. Even though we in the military are just doing as we're told we still have the moral and ethical obligation to choose to do as we're told, or to say, "No, that isn't right." I believe that if more troopers like me and the professional military, the officers and commanders, start standing up and saying that they won't let themselves or their troops go to this illegal war people will start standing up and realizing what the heck is going on over there.

The sad fact of the matter is that we are not fighting terrorists in Iraq. We are fighting the Iraqi people who feel like a conquered and occupied people. Personally I have a hard time believing that if I was an Iraqi that I wouldn't be doing everything in my power to kill and maim as many Americans as possible. I know that the vast majority of Americans would not be happy with the Canadian government, or any other foreign government, liberating us from the clutches of George W. Bush, even though a large number of us would like that, and forcing us to accept their system of government. Would not millions of Americans rise up and fight back? Would you not rise up to protect and defend your house and your neighborhood if someone invaded your country? But we send thousands of troops to a foreign country to do just that. How is it moral to fight a people who are just trying to defend their homes and families? I think next time I go to Iraq perhaps I should wear a bright red coat and carry a Brown Bess instead of my digitalized utilities and M16.

Notice I never once used the word homeland in any of this. I have a secondary point I want to bring up now. Never once was the term homeland ever used to describe the country of America until Mr. Bush began the department of homeland security after the 9/11 attacks. Taking a 20th century history class will teach us that the most notable countries in the last century that referred to their country in this way were Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Hitler used the term fatherland to drum up support, nationalistic support, for his growing war machine. He used the nationalism he created in the minds of the Germans to justify the sacrifice of their livelihood to build the war machine to get back their power from the oppressive restrictions the English and French had put on them at Versailles. This is the same feeling that has been virulently infecting the American psyche in the last hundred years. This is the same feeling that consoles a mother after her son is killed in an attempt to prosecute an aggressor's war 10,000 miles away. It's also known as Patriotism these days, but I say, "No more." No more nationalistic inanity, no more passing it off as patriotism. Patriotism is learning, and educating oneself to understand what their country really stands for.

I heard a lot during the memorial service about how the dead Marine did so much good for others and how his helping others was like a little microcosm of America helping because we have the power to do so. Well if we have the power to help people why aren't we helping in Darfur where hundreds of thousands of people have died in the last 10 years. Saddam was convicted and sentenced to death for killing 143 Shiites who conspired to assassinate him. (I know all you "patriotic" Americans would be calling for the heads of anyone who conspired to assassinate supreme leader Bush). And yet we spend upwards of 1 trillion dollars and nearing 3,000 lives to help these Iraqis when they don't even want us there. Not to mention we don't have the legal justification to be there. I guess we should wait around for the omnipotent W Bush to decide who we should use our superpowerdom to help next. It's about time to throw him and the rest of the fascists out. Moreover it's about time to start educating Americans about their past and history, and letting them know that imperialistic leaders are not what the founders of this great country wanted.

December 8, 2006

Philip Martin [email at] has been a Marine for 2 years. He is in the infantry (a "grunt"), and spent 7 months in the al-Anbar province of Iraq. He went on more than 180 combat patrols in and outside of the city of Fallujah, where he was hit with 2 IEDs (luckily never injured) and was involved in a number of firefights. He is currently stationed in Twentynine Palms, CA, and due to return to Iraq for a second deployment in April 2007. He is 21-years-old.

Copyright © 2006

Feeding and Protecting his Sheep - Pastor Butch - A Hero

I am posting this commentary concerning Pastor Butch because he exemplifies what a pastor should be in my opinion. Feeding, caring and protecting his flock against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Living and ministering in the hills of West Virgina, Pastor Butch has also been a practicing patriot for the cause of Christ and his Country. Working hard to place the spotlight on the wolves, he is educating and preparing his flock for what appears to be the acceleration and growth of the end time Beast System. Along with his pastoral duties, Butch maintains a radio program and informative web site at What follows is a testimony of a young American who was positively influenced by a real American Christian Hero who is walking softly and, and carrying a big stick: Pastors and bible study leaders are encouraged to share the lectures available on CD,s discussing current news about the coming Beast System, national identity cards and drivers licenses due in January, 2008, all with embedded data chips. The sheep should constantly be encouraged to educate themselves regarding current events and how to have an awareness and sensitivity to the encroaching deception promised to capture us if we are not vigilant and awake. Certainly, our country needs more Patriotic Pastors to call a snake a snake and prepare their flock when the pasture turns sower. To do otherwise only plays into and gives aid and comfort to the enemy. You will truly know them by their fruit, so much of it today being milk and cookies with no nutritional or spiritual value.

Testimony of Hildebrand Lee:

When I was about seven-years-old, my father walked out on me. Growing up I felt alone. I used to look at other people that had fathers and become jealous because mine had left. My elementary school years were very hard for me. During parent teacher night, most of the other children had their parents with them, but I only had my mother. Since my mother was the only provider for me, I had to go without a lot of things. I had to watch everyone else wear stylish clothes and shoes while I wore store brand clothes. I was made fun of a lot, but I tried never to let it bother, though it did anyway. As I neared about fourteen, I began going to a church called Abundant Life. There, I met a youth pastor named Hildebrand "Butch" Lee. As soon I as started coming to the youth services Pastor Butch immediately welcomed me. It was the first time that I didn't feel so set apart and alone. I told Pastor Butch all the trouble I had been having growing up, and he was able to empathize with me. He told me of his parents divorcing and how he had felt the same way I did. He assured me that how I was feeling was normal and that he would always be there for me. Pastor Butch even decided to take over the role of my father in my life. Now, anytime I need advice, a hug, or even money, Pastor Butch is right there. He came to me at a time when I needed him the most, and he made me feel better about myself. Pastor Butch cured all the pain and fiery indentations I had within my heart because of my real father's departure. I view this extraordinary man as my hero because he saved my heart. Thank you: Hildebrand Lee

More blogs about href="" rel="tag directory">Truth and Thought and Liberty.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Professor Chomsky"s Wisdom

I thought you would be interested in Professor Norm Chomsky,s analysis of current events. His reputation as an astute observer of geo-politics and the agenda of the champions of Globalism is available to all of us. You can listen to the wise professor,s speach at Good listening while you are doing office work or doing the dishes. Be sure to pass this one on to your treasured contacts. They will thank you for it.l

Noam Chomsky, famous both for pioneering the field of linguistics and as the United States' foremost dissident intellectual, talks about the onslaught on freedom and democracy waged by the neocon Bush administration. He points out that the current repressive policies, such as the Patriot Acts, pale in comparison to earlier such assaults, and then details their impact throughout the world. The biggest danger, he says, comes from speculative global investors with effective veto power over any populist government policies they don't like, and the increasing privatization that removes most relevant areas from public control. Noam Chomsky, famous both for pioneering the field of linguistics and as the United States' foremost dissident intellectual, talks about the onslaught on freedom and democracy waged by the neocon Bush administration. He points out that the current repressive policies, such as the Patriot Acts, pale in comparison to earlier such assaults, and then details their impact throughout the world. The biggest danger, he says, comes from speculative global investors with effective veto power over any populist government policies they don't like, and the increasing privatization that removes most relevant areas from public control. Keynote
Keynote: Noam Chomsky
Producer: Martin Voelker
Length: 57m 36s
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Free Speech TV is a publicly supported, independent, progressive television channel, available on Dish Network channel 9415 and over 160 community access cable stations. [Photo]
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Thursday, December 14, 2006

More News From the Mountain

If you enjoy staying informed and not deceived by the traditional controlled media and misinformation, then you really need to listen to Doctor Deagle discuss his experiences with the GLOBAL IMPERIAL AGENDA at .As a serious student to Messianic Revelation and having worked closely with the military medical establishment, Dr. Deagle has much to share. I have found that listening is much more efficient then reading when time is precious. Before going there you may want to check out another Net Radio Intelligence program and archives at . As you find your light going on, then take the time and pass that light on . Others need and strive to quench their thirst for Truth - You can help make that happen !! Lastly, Christ answered the question about his return by referring to the Old Testament when he said that the times would be like that of the DAYS OF NOAH. I personally believe we all should give that area of scripture some serious review. Dr. Deagle certainly opened my eyes and now I am looking for my research materials. Stay Tuned !!
Iron and Clay

Host: Dr. Bill Deagle MD


Call-in Number: 800-313-9443
Show Time: Monday-Friday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm CST

Dr Bill Deagle MD is prolife physician whistleblower, who has experienced first-hand the operations of globalist plans of above-government agencies New World Disorder. He was the exit examiner for the Special Forensic Munitions Team from Ft. Carson, CO for the OKC Murrah Building bombing. As a occupational doctor he worked with the State of Colorado, FEMA, FBI and CDC on Operation Dark Winter and Top Off Biowarfare Simulations. Dr Bill presented research to HLI in Zurich, Switzerland against cloning, cyborg and fetal tissues research by the NSA in 1997 and was given March 16th 1997 documentation of WHO plans for bioengineering pandemic Avian Flu to reduce world population.

The NutriMedical Report Monday to Thursdays CLAY and Iron Show Fridays, Topics from DU Depleted Uranium, Detoxification, War on Pain Patients and Doctors, Nutraceutical Support of Health and Wellness, Antiaging, WTO and Codex Alimenatarius and Dangerous Mercury in Vaccines to Globalist Avian Population Reduction, New World Orleans, and coming American Hiroshimas, the MOB Mark of the Beast Technologies and Genetic Modified Frankenfoods are but a few of the broad range of subjects archives by subtopic on Dr Bill asks you to "Check it out and Take Action Now!".

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Shall We Shut UP - I Think Not !!

There are a number of good legal scholars, constitutional law professors and economists who have concluded that America is finished and is now considered a lost state or nation in terms of sovereignty, at least as we have known it. Further there is particular concern over the potential of an atomic release resulting from the orchestrated fermentation of conflicts surrounding Iraq, Iran and Israel involving he US, Russia and China.

Certainly this is a lot for most of us to sort out, but the information is out there for you to analize and consider. It would be better for all to become aware of these issues and take whatever action considered necessary to safeguard ourselves , families and loved ones and later find out that we were wrong. It certainly would be much worse if we did nothing and then find that these forecasts were accurate. In other words it is better to be safe than end up sorry. What more can we say here. It is all up to you, it is your ship and you must sail it. A cautious warning to the wise should be sufficient. Much of what we are talking about here can be found and discussed in detail and documented on . , also featured on Google Video.

I will continue to post information here which I feel you should consider and review. I further realize that most of us are quite busy and find it difficult to take time for this sort of research and review but too much hangs in the balance for us not to be fully informed. The impeach Bush movement is gaining strength and 911 Truth meetings are beginning to spring up all around the country. Movement is also underway towards complete gun confiscation here in the US. Be sure to monitor your representatives in Washington regarding these important issues much of which is available to you on the Net. So get busy, get mad and then never shut up !!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Our Liberaton or Distruction of Afghanistan ?

If you are interested in knowing what our country has done to the people of Afghanistan and especially to the children there, order Dr. Miraki recent book titled "Afghanistan After Deomcracy". This book is a virtual tour of Afghanistan after the US’s invasion. It is a photographic book. The first chapter of the book is text, introducing the current situation in Afghanistan in details, chapters two to ten are photographic describing different aspects of life in Afghanistan, depicting life through photographs taken while in Afghanistan in March and April 2006. His thoughts and observations are very compelling. Excellent pictures to be shared with our children. America,s protection of the poppy fields brings back memories of Viet Nam. You can view Dr. Miraki web site at
His mission here is to raise funds for a children's home there as well as a clinic for devastated children. RadioLiberty featured an interview today which you should listen to, very moving. Tune in at It would help if you would pass this information on to your contact list and Thanks!

It Is Time To Tell The Truth and Act

As you know, I am able to spend quite a bit of time reviewing news at it comes across the Internet. I have chosen to present issues and material here which I personally feel is deserving of publication and consideration. Most of the commentary here is intended to encourage participation and action in the study, support and defense of our beloved Constitution which clearly is under attack by those who have a globalist , one-world agenda, foreign and alien to our historical way of life and certainly that envisioned by Jefferson, Washington, Adams and those signatories on the Declaration of Independence. I personally believe and, hopefully you also, that our country is in need of cleansing and a return to our historical moral foundation.

Clearly, our nation has been hijacked by bought and paid for legislators who we elected but, serve not our interests as our agents, but agents of those with an imperial and new world order agenda. Sinclair Lewis said years ago that if Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American Flag and the Bible. That is exactly what has happened in Washington with the current Bush Administration. President G.W. Bush must be impeached and that consensus is growing at a healthy rate. As citizens, our first obligation is to support and defend the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

The above publications can be found on the Net or at There are a number of drafts of Articles of Impeachment which are deserving of review, one of which will probably be introduced after the first of the year. It is time to take our country back and hopefully you will actively participate in the process starting right there in your own neighborhood. It is better to do something than living with the results of doing noting. Ben Franklin said that we would always get the type of government we deserve. I think he is right !!
Check out, great factual and legal documentation.