Saturday, May 19, 2007

Sanctioned Southern Invastion

Yes, the pending legislation in Congress legalizing undocumented US residents amounts to nothing more that the further destruction of the American Republic. As such this legislation only moves the agenda of the globalists further towards the establishment of totalitarian fascism and imposition of The New World Order. Fred Thompson voices his concern - we should too !

Fred Thompson: Comprehensive or Incomprehensible? Most Americans know that we have an illegal immigration problem in this country, with perhaps as many as 20 million people residing here unlawfully. And I think most Americans have a pretty good idea about how to at least start solving the problem -- secure our nation's borders. But there's an old saying in Washington that, in dealing with any tough issue, half the politicians hope that citizens don't understand it while the other half fear that people actually do. This kind of thinking was apparent with the "comprehensive" immigration reform bill that the U.S. Senate and the White House negotiated yesterday. I'd tell you what was in the legislation, but 24 hours after the politicians agreed the bill looked good, the Senate lawyers were still writing what may turn out to be a one thousand page document. In fact, a final version of the bill most likely will not be made available to the public until after the legislation is passed

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