Sunday, December 17, 2006


Did you really ever come to understand all of the stuff about Israel, Jerusalem, War in the Middle East, bible prophecy ? Confusing to be sure, at least for me, but now I think I may have some refreshing incite from Berry Chamish who maintains a web site at As you can seen Berry likes to do his power thinking with the help of some good bass fishing. I found him being interviewed by Doctor Bill and his explanation of what is happening in the Mid East and the shaping of the coming destruction the nation of Israel by insiders in Israel with outside help, certainly made sense, give the events of the past few years.

If you are a student of the Bible and Prophecy as I have been for a long time, I could never really make sense out of this study in relation until listening to Berry explain that the insiders controlling the future of the Nation of Israel are not biblical
Jews, but rather those implanted over many years dedicated to its destruction and merger into a new geo-political unit, one of the new ten divisions of the globe as envisioned and designed prior to their establishment in 1948. In any event, the light finally went on for me and I am sure Berry will help us all understand the critical and eventful and exciting times we are now living in. As surely as a frog's ass is water-tight, all hell is going to brake loose over there and the implications for us and around the world will be monumental and catastrophic. I have felt this in my gut for years and the need to get ready, the need to be away from any major central metropolitan city, having access to water and land and means of self-sufficiency and also the burning desire to wake up people, to push them to think and tune in. I guess that is what this blog is all about, getting people to think, understand and take action.

You have experienced things rattling around in your head or gut over the years, thought always returning gently into your mind, out of your spirits, warnings if you wish or admonitions, constantly replaying the same message. Well I have an advantage being able to look back over time and I can tell you, that you had better listed to those gut and recurring feelings, for what I felt and saw 20 or 30 or40 years is now here, though I did not understand back then. Of all the things we are to ask the creator for, first is WISDOM. Secondly, we were told that we would be guided into all TRUTH and Shown THINGS TO COME. That |I believe from experience, however sometimes we are advised but do not listen and told but do not understand. The thing we are admonished, over and over again, is to be watchful and aware and sensitive to DECEPTION and we all have been deceived in the past. Just think about how many people,
including myself, voted for BUSH and now we are a partner of his sponsored terror being brought upon innocent people abroad and accelerating here at home. For the most part, we are all asleep and have been too long and surely deceived, yet, we have time to repent, turn our act around, get off of our dead asses and diet of milk and oreos, stop wasting our time with foolishness, get serious about our birthright and then meet the enemy head on with decisive action, though it may cost dearly. Barry brings you up to speed concerning the attempts currently to distroy Israel which certainly is a focal point on end time events and advance - of Evil.

On a larger scale, though, this is a spiritual movement we are involved with, both sides having players the opposition seeming more dedicated than we are and, this has been a long term struggle now coming to a head.
Of course, this can not be accomplished without good intelligence, thought and much prayer. To that end, Berry Chamish is doing a good job bringing his listeners up to speed concerning where we have been, where we are now and where we surely are going. So fasten you seat belts and get ready for the BIG ONE. Tell your neighbor to do the same !! If you happen to frequent some "CHURCH", get the SHEPHERD aside and ASK him or her about the condition of the flock, in terms of what may be just down the road. My guess is, for the most part, they will be as dumbed down as he or she is, or hopefully in the reverse, enlightened and doer's of the Word in the tradition of the Prophets of old. Clearly, the most deceived group in America are those who call themselves Christians, they have lost their first love and, they are impudent by design. The great preacher Charles Finney put it straight on the table when he said, and I quote "
"If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree. If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the Church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation."

Another great quote I noticed the other day, and a statement of practical truth talks about how to discern PULPIT PROSTITUTES - Simply observe what it is that they do not preach on: From a kick ass preacher, Pastor Butch. In closing here, it appears that the draft is or will be introducted shortly. Are you ready to send your son or dauthter off to another Bush Illegal War to be used as connon fodder only to return wrapped in an American Flag ? Think about it because that is exactly what is being planned for them and that burns my ass for sure !! More later, Stay Tuned.

If I have helped you out, then help me out - with some good smelling pipe tobacco and dog food for my friend Rat:


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