Sunday, November 06, 2005

Thoughts Before Going to Bed

My little girlfriend here was playing ball in the street by herself and with her dog - she stopped for a moment while I caught her picture. My friend below was about to have lunch at one of the street diners on cart wheels, totally self-contained.

I offer this shot of The Corner Pub and Sports Bar only to show that the Yankee is busy in downtown Lima. When I was in there it was packed out but too damn expensive for a poor farm boy. As you can see, and this is just of many, the fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, chicken, fish, beef, pork, ect. is in abundance down here - I damn near odeed on banannas, an addiction which I have not yet overcome.

For sure, many of these photographs reflect the productivity of the Peruvian people and the abundance of riches bestowed upon them in terms of agro-production as they apply their hands to the soil and its riches. The internet has only been here, for the common people, just over a year, yet there are now internet cafes all over the place, well managed and full of young people connecting and chating locally and throughout the world. What a blessing this technology is for those who crave to learn and connect - truely our world is becoming more flat, open and connected. Where this all is going is truely exciting, yet there exists so much suffering mostly caused by man himself and not discounting natural disasters fortold of long ago - eg. - Pakistan and its children this winter - we should all think about that on our way to the ball game and Wall Mart ??

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